Sebastian Feiersinger
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Tudor Ionescu
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Andrea Klapper
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Faruk Nadar
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Marian Peka
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Roland Priewasser
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Barbara Riedmann-Vettori
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Pantelis Tolis
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Helga Götzl
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Hachem Katranji
"Climate protection is my passion. I want to exemplifiy this passion for our country."
Helmuth Lamprecht
"Climate protection is my intention to be a voluntary energy & climate coach"
Christian Öfner
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Susanne Penz
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Herbert Pümpel
"Use ressources carefully and prepare fpr climate change: caution and consideration"
Elisabeth Spiegl
"When the environment is doing well, we do well!"
- take care - "
Franz Wakolbinger
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Roland Gruber
"The earth is our common home!"
Birgit Kawalar
"Be the change that you want to see in the world"
Alptekin Nadar
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Dominik Osl
"Climate protection affects all of us."
Peter Pittracher
"Use energy instead of wasting it"
Nicole Suntinger
"Climate protection is also to share my knowledge about energy saving, so that other ones can use the benefit."
Andreas Elentner
"Reducing the consumption of resources , without missing out on something"
The voluntary energy & climate coaches provide the basis for DoppelPlus. They are fully committed and give their time to take the right steps towards a more liveable future. You get full use of benefit through their know-how.
The objectives are raising awareness about climate protection, reducing avoidable costs and increasing the quality of life.
Our voluntary energy & climate coaches support you.
Practical optimization measures in the areas of energy efficiency, mobility, sustainable consumption, healthy nutrition, climate adaptation and protection, are provided in the form of individual coaching sessions in the affected household. The objectives are raising awareness about climate protection, reducing avoidable costs and increasing the quality of life.
DoppelPlus: Make full use of benefits. Protect the environment.
For this demanding task the coaches are trained comprehensively on the experiences of the project partners- Klimabündnis Tirol, Energie Tirol, komm!unity Wörgl, Caritas Tirol and alpS Gmbh. The main focus of the basic course is set on optimization measures, that can be easily implenented in the own household, such as...
+ recognition of different energy consumers
+ correct interpretation of energy bills
+ proper heating and ventilation
+ topics like: mould
+ low standby- consumption
+ cooling and heating
+ nutrition
+ mobility and many more ...
Volunteers will be working everywhere in Tyrol. Out of respect for the volunteers we ask all our houesholds to attend the appointments for the coaching. If it is not possible for you to attend the appointment, please contact us as soon as possible by telephone or email.
Tel.: 0660 2227477
More information about volunteering?
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.
The project staff of DoppelPlus is available for further details.
Klimabündnis Tirol
Caritas Tirol
komm!unity Wörgl
alpS GmbH
Energie Tirol.
Other cooperation partners:
Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG
Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH & CoKG
With friendly support of:
LIFE (EU), the Province of Tyrol
and Stadtwerke Wörgl GmbH
Johanna Nagiller (project leader)
Tel. 0660 2227477
More information about DoppelPlus: